KEN ISHII(ケンイシイ)

テクノ・アーティスト、DJ、プロデューサー、リミキサー 。「東洋のテクノ・ゴッド」の異名を持つ。 ’93年、ベルギーのレーベル「R&S」からデビュー。イギリス音楽誌「NME」のテクノチャートでNo.1を獲得、’96年には「JellyTones」からのシングル「Extra」のビデオクリップ(映画「AKIRA」の作画監督/森本晃司監督作品)が、イギリスの“MTV DANCE VIDEO OF THE YEAR”を受賞。’98年、長野オリンピック・テーマインターナショナル版を作曲し、全世界でオンエア。2000年にはアメリカのニュース週刊誌「Newsweek」で表紙を飾る。’04年、スペイン・イビサ島で開催の“DJ AWARDS”でBEST TECHNO DJを受賞し、名実共に世界一を獲得。’05年「愛・地球博」で政府が主催する瀬戸日本館の音楽を担当。’17年にはベルギーで行われている世界最高峰のビッグフェスティバル「Tomorrowland」に出演をはたしている。2019末、13年振りとなるアルバム「Möbius Strip」(メビウス・ストリップ)をリリース。そのリード曲「BELLS OF NEW LIFE」、また、PAC-MAN40周年全世界共通テーマ曲「JOIN THE PAC」ではリオ五輪閉会式で次期開催地東京をアピールする映像も手掛けた映像ディレクターの児玉裕一さんがMVを制作、その秀逸さと面白さが話題を呼んだ。今年は世界デビュー30周年を迎え、NetflixミリタリーSF超大作アニメ「ヤキトリ」の全編サントラ制作、テクノと伝日本統芸能「能」を融合した新しい演舞「TECHNOH LAB.」(要無形文化財総合指定、シテ方宝生流能楽師・ 辰巳満次郎氏と共演)など、楽曲リリース、イベント出演のみならず様々なプロジェクトに積極的に挑んでいる。

DRUNKEN KONG(Drumcode/Tronic)

DRUNKEN KONG は、2011年にデビューして以来、WOMB、AGEHA、CONTACTTOKYO など、日本国内数々の有名なクラブでライブをこなす。2015年から Christian Smithのレーベルの Tronic, Monika Kruse のレーベルの TerminalMや、BorisのレーベルのTransmit、Sianのレーベルの Octopus Recordings など、TOPレーベルから多数リリース。常に Beatportのテクノチャートで10位以内に入り、多くのヒット曲を生み出してきた。
2017年にTronic からリリースした 1st Album「The Signs Within」は、世界 30ヶ国以上のメディアに取り上げられ、アルバムチャートで3位まで浮上、テクノアーティストとして世界ランク19位を獲得し、世間を揺るがせた。以来、その勢いは止まらず、2018年に Octopus Recordings からの初EP『Repeat』も、Beatport テクノチャートTOP10入り、2019年のリリースしたトラックや、2020年にTronicからリリースした2nd Album「Where We Start」も、全曲チャート100位入りを果たした。
また 2020年には、オリジナルトラック「Peace」のリミックスコンテストを開催。新型コロナウィルス発生後に対応した活動を開始。High In Japan 企画の安藤忠信の建築物『頭大仏殿」前でのライブ配は、イギリスの Mixmagに取り上げられ、再生回数11万回超えと大反響を呼んだ。
また昨年の2022年、Beatport Techno で年間総合売上No.1を獲得。その名を世界に知らしめる。そして、今年の6月、Adam Beyer のレーベル、Drumcodeより、アジア人初のEPをリリース。こちらもタイトル曲の「IWant To See」は、Beatport Techno チャートで2位まで浮上した。
彼らは、世界的なフェスの ADE(アムステルダム・ダンス・イベント)や、2017 年のSONAR OFF WEEK にも出演し、フロアーが湧くPLAYを見せて、多くのお客を魅了した。それ以降、ヨーロッパを筆頭に、北米、南米、オーストラリア、中東、アジアツアーも成功に収め、2018年の ULTRAJAPAN や、イビサのクロージングパーティーなどにも出演。今では1年の半分以上海外でツアーをしている。DJ、エンシジニアの経験を十分に備え、進化する音を追求するこの DRUNKEN KONGを、是非一度堪能して頂きたい。



Techno artist, DJ, producer and remixer. Known as the "Techno God of the East". In 1993, he made his debut on the Belgian label R&S. In 1996, his video clip for the single "Extra" from "JellyTones" (directed by Koji Morimoto, who also directed the movie "AKIRA") won the "MTV DANCE VIDEO OF THE YEAR" in the U.K. In 1998, composed the international version of the Nagano Olympics theme, which went on-air worldwide; in 2000, was featured on the cover of the American newsweekly "Newsweek.'' In 2004, he won the "Best Techno DJ" award at the "DJ Awards" held in Ibiza, Spain, and became the number one DJ in the world in both name and reality. In 2005, he was in charge of the music for the Seto Japan Pavilion organized by the government at the "EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN. At the end of 2019, he will release his first album in 13 years, "Möbius Strip". The lead song "BELLS OF NEW LIFE" and "JOIN THE PAC," the worldwide theme song for PAC-MAN's 40th anniversary, were produced by Yuichi Kodama, a video director who also created the video for the closing ceremony of the Rio Olympics to promote Tokyo as the next host city of the Olympics. This year marks the 30th anniversary of his international debut, and he has released music, produced the full-length soundtrack for the Netflix military sci-fi blockbuster anime "Yakitori," and performed in the "TECHNOH LAB." (designated as an intangible cultural asset, in collaboration with Manjiro Tatsumi, a Noh performer of the Shitekata Hosho school), a new performance that combines techno and the traditional Japanese art of "noh. (designated as an intangible cultural asset, performed with Manjiro Tatsumi, a Noh performer of the Hosho school of Noh theater), and other projects.

DRUNKEN KONG(Drumcode/Tronic)

Drunken Kong is the project of D. Singh and DJ Kyoko. In 2010, the two started their project when one day, they suddenly decided to make a track together.
Since then they have released two albums on Christian Smith's label Tronic, The Signs Within(2017) and Where We Start (2020) as well as numerous EPs and singles on Tronic and other labels such as Terminal M, Stil Vor Talent and Octopus Recordings. All 7 tracks of their EPs in early 2017 on Tronic and Terminal M have entered Beatport Top 100 Techno chart at the same time, which has made an impact on the Asian and global techno scene.
While being regulars on Beatport Top 100, in 2022 their track "Spark" was the most sold and streamed raw style techno track and Drunken Kong were awarded as the Best Seller on Beatport.
Their music is gaining a lot of attention/support from international top artists and DJs such as Carl Cox, Adam Beyer, Christian Smith, Monika Kruse, Pan-Pot, Umek, Hernan Cattaneo and Deadmau5, just to name a few.
Their DJ mixes have also been constantly featured on well-known podcasts such as Tronic Radio Show, Stereo Podcast, Nude Podcast, 6AM Global Vibe Radio and many more. sew ery special ive streams. for the irs ime a techno at pein med at the rem or end auchain Hokkaido, streamed by Mixmag global. In addition, the duo had been part of the Tronic 25th Anniversary Virtual Stream with Beatport and Vicious Magazine's En Casa con Live Stream.
Drunken Kong has always been active in the Tokyo techno scene, playing regularly at major festivals such as Ultra Japan and in major renowned venues such as WOMB, Ageha, Vent, Contact and Vision Tokyo. The two have also started their own resident party inviting artists such as Dubfire, Christian Smith, Wehbba, Kaiserdisco, Uto Karem, Nathan Barato, Arjun Vagale and Jewel-Kid to Tokyo while also expanding their musical influence to other regions of Asia.
Drunken Kong has also been successfully touring around the world, playing in Europe, North and South America, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East. The two have also played in major venues such as Barraca of Valencia, Sisyphos in Berlin, Hardpop in Mexico and Egg London.
In 2019, Drunken Kong also had their residency at Eden Ibiza. The duo has also played for Tronic vs. Terminal M showcase, during ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) and Tronic Showcase during Sonar Offweek.
In 2022, Drunken Kong was the 2nd Japanese artist to play at Berlin's Love Parade (now called Rave the Planet) and they also played at Beon1x Festival in Cyprus along with Carl Cox, Boris Brejcha, Paul Kalkbrenner, Deborah de Luca, Paco Osuna and many more.
The two are constantly attracting new fans with their unique sound and groove. With their powerful DJ style and charisma, the two are able to constantly amuse the audience while expanding their ideas and skills to the next level.